Features Analyser

Getting to optimal

Even with automated configuration and suitable policies, there's still the chance that something can be missed.

Gap Analysis

The configuration analyser looks at how every system is configured, and identifies gaps in the monitoring configuration - things that aren't being monitored but that probably should be.

It will also identify errors in the configuration that need to be corrected.

For example, if monitoring is not enabled for one aspect of system operation, that would be highlighted. If monitoring was enabled, but no assictaed notification response actions were associated with the monitoring, that would be highlighed - if you're monitoring something, you probably want told about problems.

If custom monitoring references a script that doesn't exist, that would be covered.

More Than Just Gaps

While it's vital to ensure that the monitoring is correct, it's nice to make sure that everything is as good as it can be.

The analyser also finds things that, while not critical, should be updated. This includes situations such as a system running a down-level agent, or more cosmetic items, for example a performance chart with two items using the same colour line.

Checks Performned

The full list of checks can be found in the main product documentation.

Manual Exclusions

There may be situations where the analyser identifies changes that could be made, but in reality, those changes are not suitable for a particular system or environment.

In these cases, an individual issue can be excluded from the analysis, allowing only relevant issues to be displayed.

is everything fully and correctly configured?