
Frequently Asked Questions

We've collected together some of the questions that we're commonly asked, grouped into sections.

See all of our Frequently Asked Questions.

If you can't find the information you need, or would like further assistance, then please feel free to get in touch, and we'll do everything we can to help.

Personalised Introduction

We provide free technical support while you are evaluating our software, but support is about more than just sorting out problems when something goes wrong. We can also help with initial setup, configuration and day-to-day usage via an online introduction and futher training sessions.

Find out more

Guides and Walkthroughs

We have a number of downloadable guides and walkthroughs available. These cover a range of subjects, from basic setup and usage to detailed instructions for more advanced topics.

Full Documentation

The full product documentation is available online.

For off-line viewing, a packaged Windows CHM file is available.