Features Data Storage

We're gonna need a bigger database

By default, ServerAssist uses its own internal data store, implemented as a Jet database, but it can use any OLE DB compatible relational store, such as an SQL Server or Oracle database.

This alternate configuration may be appropriate when storing very large volumes of data, or when there is a need to query the ServerAssist data store with third-party tools.

Simple Data Movement

The data store manager, an extra tool included with the retail downloads, provides the ability to switch between these different storage technologies without losing data. Contact us if you evaluating the product and would like to install the data store manager.

For systems that do not have an OLE DB compatible relational store already installed, the data store manager can install and configure an instance of Microsoft SQL Server Express 2005.

All data is moved from the current data store to the new one, with ServerAssist services being stopped and started as required.

Available Options

The data store manager offers five modes of operation:

  • Install an instance of SQL Server Express 2005, configure ServerAssist to use the new database and copy existing data to the new database.
  • Copy existing data to a pre-configured external database and configure ServerAssist to use this as the data store.
  • Copy existing data to the internal data store, configure ServerAssist to use the internal data store and remove the configured instance of SQL Server Express 2005.
  • Copy existing data to the internal data store and configure ServerAssist to use the internal data store.
  • Remove a previously installed instance of SQL Server Express 2005.

Not all options will be applicable to all situations; only those that make sense for the current configuration will be available.

Manual Processing

For those that want to configure their own database, the data schema used is fully documented, with schema creation scripts included in the help file.

Multiple Systems

All data is keyed by the name of the system, so once an external data store is setup and configured, it can be used by multiple agents and management servers.

Reliable Storage

If the external data store is temporarily not available, the agent or management server falls back to storing any new data in a local database, and periodically tests the availability of the external data store.

Once the external data store becomes available, this local data is automatically moved to the external data store, restoring it to the correct location.

Secure by Default

When installing and configuring SQL Server Express, for security, the database instance is configured to only allow access using shared memory, with no access over the network, so if access to the instance is required from systems on the network (for example SQL Server Management Studio), additional manual configuration will be required to enable one or more network protocols for the instance.

secure, high-capacity storage that's simple to configure